Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back on Schedule...for now....

Hopefully everythings a go. We went in to see Dr. Blauer (the infertility Dr.) last Friday, and so far we are on the schedule for May. I am really ready for this to work this time, and so far I am feeling very confident.

The surgery went really well. They removed between 10 and 12 polyps from my uterus, and then performed a D&C. So hopefully everything is all cleaned up, and now there is room in there for a baby or babies.

Thanks to you all for all the sweet comments and well wishes. We appreciate all the prayers. Hopefully I will have some good news to post soon.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Okay so now we need an update for May. I hope things are going well. I'm crossing my fingers AND toes and keeping you all in my prayers.