Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am such a here is an update!

We had a really fun Christmas. We went to New Mexico to spend it with my family and had a really good time. It was a really different Christmas, but it was fun.

Then we came back home and had a New Years Eve Party with Tyler's family and had a blast! We played Rock Band all night, and just had a really great time!!

Then we went to Cancun on the 17th of January and stayed for a week. It was so much fun! The weather wasn't perfect, but the worst day in Cancun, is better than a day at home in the middle of Winter!!!

Now we are preparing for a frozen in-vitro cycle in March. So I will be posting more about that as we go through the different things. So please pray for us. We are really hoping that it works this time.

Now here are some pictures of all the fun things that we have been doing.

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